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How Do I Keep My Teeth Stain-Free With Braces?

Stains are bad enough on our clothes; we especially don’t want them on our teeth.

Nothing can tarnish the joy and accomplishment of Braces-Off day like discolored patches where the brackets used to be. Where do these stains come from and how can patients avoid them?

What Causes Stains During Orthodontic Treatment?

Braces-wearers are more susceptible to stains than they would be otherwise, but stains aren’t inevitable. They happen because effective brushing and flossing is harder with all that hardware in the way, giving food particles and plaque countless new hiding places out of reach of a toothbrush. When plaque builds up around brackets, it can leave decalcified patches on the tooth’s surface, which becomes very noticeable when the braces come off.

Preventing White Spots

The best way to prevent white spots and other stains is with good oral hygiene habits. Brush thoroughly at least twice a day (ideally after every meal), floss daily, and keep up with regular dental appointments. This will keep plaque under control, and the hygienist can get rid of whatever plaque or tartar remains.

Stain Culprits to Avoid

Also avoid foods and drinks that tend to stain, such as coffee, dark tea, and colas. The dark-colored compounds in them can stain teeth directly. Acidic drinks (like soda), sugary treats, and starch-filled snacks can stain indirectly by eroding enamel or sticking to it and contributing to plaque buildup. Tobacco and alcohol are also huge stain culprits!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.